Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Social Networking Websites

Social Networking Websites, Why the failure of 95% of folks on line

You have been keep telling me that there is a 95% failure of new businesses on line.Well guess what I have noticed something about the 95% of marketers that are failing.They have joined a "program or MLM",that is:

1, Free
2, just starting out, yet promising the stars,and the moon too.
3, their compensation plan does not pay,but peanuts
...and there is no live training available.

What else? You know what,you complete the list.
I'm sure you have been around long enough to know what I'm talking about.

But I have to tell you: this is only one side of the coin.

I see folks joining Giblink, the global Internet business the Business networking community,and other social networking sites,like:ZenZuu (where there is real money to be made, and there will be more) and it is great to be a part of such rapidly growing business and community.

...But please just because a business is free,or low cost to join,that does not mean it is worthless,and after signing up as if your job is done sit down and wait for the money to disperse out of your computer.Please do yourself a favor and chose your business carefully ,and don't neglect,or ignore it, because guess what, soon as you're do it you've became one of those who failed with the 95% So let me ask you know , is it how you want to continue your marketing online,or is it time for a big change,perhaps learn about marketing first. by: John Tar

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Social Networking Website

These websites like Giblink,ZenZuu are some of the new generation social networking communities, where members are getting a share of the total revenue of the advertising income (70-80%).

Most of these social networking websites are free to join,but some has mothly,quartely,or anual fees.

What are the benefits of them to my business one may ask. Well Most importantly
the building of relationships with other members,using the tools provided.

Videos,Pictures, Postcards,Groups,Music.

John Tar
604 684 1529

Skype: timsaucey